Mobile enterprise is the direction towards which all industries are moving. Virtual Mobile Technologies boasts...

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Mobile enterprise is the direction towards which all industries are moving. Virtual Mobile Technologies boasts...

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Scope of Business

PT. Tawang Swasti Bangun Gapura
PT. Kurnia Abadi Niaga Citra Indah Lestari

PT. Ciskada Perkasa
PT. Sokka Agung Pratama

PT. Imani Prima
PT. Imani Prima

PT. Angkasa Taruma Mataram
Taruma Australia PTE. LTD - Australia
Applied Marketing Research (S) PTE.LTD Singapore Airlines Equiptments and Services

PT. Avia Jaya Indah
PT. Karya Taruna Caraka Indonesia
PT. Tawang Security Indonesia
PT. Karya Taruna Caraka Indonesia
PT. Girbah Gema Swara

PT. Perisai Sakti indonesia
PT. Imani Wicaksana
PT. Tawang Swasti Motorindo
PT. Atlas Energise Indonesia


Sri Suryati

Graduate in Law Faculty of Airlangga University, Surabaya, Management Study in London and Rotterdam School of Management. Developed her first career working in State Commercial Bank, giving her the main asset by knowing the banking and business community and started her own company in timber industry and trading which is an attractive commodity 1980 s, then engaged in the hottest business of technology and computer system design, being the Agent of a famous French company.

She has successfully worked as Director since 1993 and now as Chairman of PT. Tawang Swasti Rawikara. She has a keen interest in fine arts and painting. Currently collecting more then 600 master pieces by International and Indonesian famous artist// painters. Also actively engaged on a social, sports and national society organization.

President Director
Teddy Rusdy

He has build his career in the Indonesian Air Force, retired in 1993 as Air Vice Marshall and held various strategic position in the Indonesian Armed Forces Head Quarter, especially in Planning, Programming and Budgeting System.

He was also Member of People Consultative Body (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat) Republic Indonesia in 1988 — 1993. Received various honours from the Government of Indonesia, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Korea, Republic of China. Started his own company in 1993 in the real estate and property business, now as The President Director of PT. Tawang Swasti Rawikara with 18 subsidiary companies

Director of Finance
Syamsul Arifin

His first career was with Bank Dagang Negara, one of the Indonesia State Owned Banks for nearly twenty years. He was ever positioned in the Bank's New York Agency and Cayman Island Branch from 1989 to 1995 after gaining his Master degree in Business Administration from University of Nebraska in the United States of America.

He resigned from Bank Dagang Negara to assume his career in the Insurance Industry. He was appointed as President Director of PT. Gelora Karya Jasatam, a general insurance broker and consultant affiliated with PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk, the largest bank in Indonesia. After his six years tenure in the Insurance Industry, then he joined PT. Tawang Swasti Rawikara in last August of 2007.